Interview with Joao Roodrigo Mesquita

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  • How are you?
  • I’m fine and how are you?
  • Also fine.
  • So why did you decide to travel to a different country and participate in volunteering project?
  • I wanted to do a volunteering project for a while now. The first time I did a volunteering project was in Africa. I joined my aunt when I was like 16~17. Then I knew I wanted to participate in more volunteering projects.
    Now why Poland. Poland, because of a project. I wanted to take part in a project that happened to be in Poland.
  • What stereotypes did you hear about Poland?
  • I’ve heard that polish girls are very beautiful. The second one that you guys are a little bit colder, not as open as we are in Portugal.
  • You said you didn’t choose the country. You chose the project. When you found out that this is connected to Poland, did you have any fears?
  • I’ve had like this idea, that I was not really sure about that. Because of different government I was a little bit unsure of what topics I can approach.
  • And what are your first impressions of Poland?
  • Unfortunately because of COVID I didn’t really have much opportunities to see the country. But as much as I saw, Poland is really beautiful.
  • How is COVID situation different between Poland and Portugal?
  • In Poland government implies restrictions immediately, but in Portugal people have time to get used to them.
  • Do you have any life goals, what are you going to do after project?
  • With my friend volunteer we’re thinking about some travelling after project. Also I’m thinking about creating some organization in Portugal to deal with mental problems. Maybe just create some business. I’m definitely not going to go back to Portugal to work in my previous job.
  • What do you think about polish cousine?
  • I’ve been in Poland for 2 months, but I don’t have much opportunities to try new polish foods. Also I’m lactose intolerant, but I really liked pierogis
  • Do you have some hobbies, that you did in Portugal, but you can’t in Poland?
  • I can’t play football and can’t go out with friends ;-;. Also I can’t go to the beach. In Portugal, you can go to the beach almost all year, but in Poland not really.
  • What is your attitude to the weather. Is the weather much different thatn in your country?
  • Oh yes. I was on Instagram and I saw my friend on the beach. It’s very different – here we have a snow…
  • Do you have the snow in Portugal?
  • In some parts of Portugal – yes – but in the part I lived, there’s not much snow. I’ve never seen snow before.
  • So it has to be an interesting experience!
  • Yes, it was like I was staring at the snow for 10 minutes.
  • You said that you’re going to stay in Poland until April, so maybe you’re going to try some winter sports like skiing or snowboarding?
  • Oh yes, I did some surfing, so I think I’ll try snowboarding.
  • And are you willing to learn a Polish language?
  • Oh yes, for sure. We used to have a lot of lessons with professor, but because of Covid I didn’t have a lot of lessons and contacts with polish people. I don’t have a lot of motivation because of this, here I live with people from Portugal, Italy, Spain etc., so I have more motivation to learn like Italian or Spain.
  • Do you get on well with other volunteers?
  • Yes, we get on really well, they’re fun. Because of Covid we’re closed in the same house, and conflicts happen because of different personalities, but we’re trying to overcome it.
  • So what actually your project is about?
  • The project name is “Our culture, our heritage”. It’s about showing that although we’re from different countries with different beliefs, we’re not that different. We can have good time.
  • Are you enjoying the project?
  • Yes, I started just 2 weeks ago. It’s sometimes a little bit awkward, but it’s fine. I think you gouys have some of the best teachers and you guys are cool as well, so it’s fine.
